Cross Stitch Patterns from Fine Art by Scarlet Quince
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Runaway - Norman Rockwell

Counted Cross Stitch Pattern

A police officer and a young runaway boy seated on stools at a lunch counter. The boy's bundle of belongings is done up in a red bandanna tied to a stick. The policeman is preparing to buy lunch for the boy as the smiling counterman listens to their conversation. (1958)
Counted cross stitch chart booklet (floss and fabric not included -- see what is included)
353 x 378 stitches  ■  106 colors (DMC floss)  ■  About 20" x 21" or 50 x 53 cm (on 18-count)

Scarlet Quince cross stitch chart: Runaway - Norman Rockwell
Watermarks are not part of the pattern or stitched results

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Rockwell cross stitch Children and babies
Men Americana
American painters

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