Cross Stitch Patterns from Fine Art by Scarlet Quince
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Cross Stitch Patterns
Cross Stitch Patterns

Cross Stitch Patterns


Cross stitch chart: Masque of the Four Seasons - Walter Crane
Masque of the Four Seasons
Walter Crane
Cross stitch chart: Red and White Domes - Paul Klee
Red and White Domes
Paul Klee
Cross stitch chart: Dance, San Ildefonso Pueblo, New Mexico - Ansel Adams
Dance, San Ildefonso Pueblo, New Mexico
Ansel Adams
Cross stitch chart: Elegant Still Life with Flowers - Eugene Bidau
Elegant Still Life with Flowers
Eugene Bidau
Cross stitch chart: The Grand Canal, Venice - John Singer Sargent
The Grand Canal, Venice
John Singer Sargent
Cross stitch chart: Undine: Soon She Was Lost to Sight in the Danube - Arthur Rackham
Undine: Soon She Was Lost to Sight in the Danube
Arthur Rackham
Cross stitch chart: The Kreuzer Sonata (detail) - Rene-Xavier Prinet
The Kreuzer Sonata (detail)
Rene-Xavier Prinet
Cross stitch chart: Squares with Concentric Circles - Wassily Kandinsky
Squares with Concentric Circles
Wassily Kandinsky
Cross stitch chart: Harvest at La Crau - Vincent Van Gogh
Harvest at La Crau
Vincent Van Gogh
Cross stitch chart: Leonid Meteor Storm over Niagara Falls - Edmund Weiss
Leonid Meteor Storm over Niagara Falls
Edmund Weiss
Cross stitch chart: North Rose Window, Notre Dame, Paris
North Rose Window, Notre Dame, Paris
Cross stitch chart: South Rose Window, Notre Dame, Paris
South Rose Window, Notre Dame, Paris


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