Cross Stitch Patterns from Fine Art by Scarlet Quince
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The Cornell Farm - Edward Hicks

Counted Cross Stitch Pattern

An orderly and prosperous Pennsylvania farm with its neat stone farm house, large barn, freshly painted outbuildings, tidily fenced fields, and filled corn cribs. In the foreground are handsome cattle, horses, sheep, and swine, as farmers discuss which should win the prizes. Cornell commissioned this painting to commemorate his bull winning the prize at the Bucks County Agricultural Society livestock show. (Folk art, 1848)
Counted cross stitch chart booklet (floss and fabric not included -- see what is included)
394 x 288 stitches  ■  100 colors (DMC floss)  ■  About 22" x 16" or 56 x 41 cm (on 18-count)

Scarlet Quince cross stitch chart: The Cornell Farm - Edward Hicks
Watermarks are not part of the pattern or stitched results

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