Cross Stitch Patterns from Fine Art by Scarlet Quince
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Garden of Delight - John Henry Dearle

Counted Cross Stitch Pattern

A beautiful tree with glossy leaves and star-like white flowers against a dark blue millefleur (thousand flowers) background. Several sparrows and a robin are perched in or flying around the tree. The flowers around the tree include carnations, bluebells, primroses, asters, and others. Surrounding the central motif is a lighter border of Jacobean-style flowers and vines. This pattern is based on an embroidered wool portiere designed for the William Morris studio, sometimes known as "The Tree of Life". (1910)
Counted cross stitch chart booklet (floss and fabric not included -- see what is included)
400 x 535 stitches  ■  110 colors (DMC floss)  ■  About 22" x 30" or 56 x 75 cm (on 18-count)

Scarlet Quince cross stitch chart: Garden of Delight - John Henry Dearle
Watermarks are not part of the pattern or stitched results

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Dearle cross stitch Flowers and gardens
Birds and animals English painters
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