Introducing SQ Stitch, our new Stitching App

It works in almost every environment -- iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, and Kindle. See the environment and requirements section of the user manual for details and exceptions.
Other features:
- Check the key for a symbol just by tapping it. No more flipping pages (or tearing the key page out of your pattern and losing it).
- Search for occurrences of a symbol by tapping.
- The pattern picture is included and you can navigate in your pattern by dragging a viewport to where you want to go.
- Make the chart symbols as large as you need them to be.
- As you mark stitches complete, it keeps statistics such as the number of stitches completed in a day, stitching time, and average stitches per hour.
- You can keep a stitching diary in the app.
- If you have a lot of marks to transfer from paper to your device, there are shortcut ways to do that quickly.
- Best of all, it's free!
For more information, see the user manual.
Our customers say:
"Now that my wife has had the time to work with the programme she is absolutely delighted and cannot believe that it was free. She says her work rate, with the help of the software, has dramatically improved as has the accuracy of her stitching. The software has so many useful options to help the user and is very user friendly.....even l can understand it!".
"I must say, after getting it set up on my tablet, SQ Stitch is literally saving me hours already! Whenever I hit a bunch of confetti I spend more time searching for the same symbol than actually stitching. And then even more time trying to fix it because of course I missed one! I cannot thank you enough! This is the best thing ever!"
Give it a try! We think it will change the way you stitch forever!