Cross Stitch Patterns from Fine Art by Scarlet Quince
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Fabric Calculator

Fabric Calculator and Framing Previewer

Use this fabric calculator to determine how much fabric you’ll need to buy. You can experiment with different fabric thread counts and framing possibilities.

Fabric thread count: 
Stitching over 1 or 2: 
Scarlet Quince Pattern: 
OR number of stitches (W x H): 
Exposed border (top): 
Exposed border (left & right): 
Exposed border (bottom): 
Framing allowance: 
Width of frame: 

See our tutorial on using the fabric calculator.

Quick hints:

The fabric thread count is the number of threads in a linear inch of fabric. Even in metric countries, fabric thread counts are per inch (that’s 2.54 cm). If your fabric is labelled "16-count", for example, just enter 16 as the fabric thread count.

Stitching over 1 or 2: on aida or other coarse weaves you will normally stitch "over one" - each stitch crosses one thread. On linen and finer weaves you will normally stitch "over two".

The framing allowance is extra material that will not show after framing. It’s there to let the framer do a good job of stretching the picture. This should be at least 3 inches.

Allow exposed borders if you also want some fabric to show between the picture and the frame, or want to mat the picture. Usually it looks best if the bottom border is a little larger than the top. You may like narrow side borders for a vertical picture (longer than wide) and wide side borders for a horizontal picture. The fabric calculator shows you how the work will look, so experiment!

The frame width does not affect the fabric calculation. It is just there so that you can tinker with the aesthetics.

See our Tips - Fabric section for further thoughts on fabric selection and framing.

Be sure to give all sizes (except fabric thread count) in the same units, either inches or centimeters. Your fabric requirements will be given in the same units.

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