Cross Stitch Patterns from Fine Art by Scarlet Quince
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Madonna and Child - Marianne Stokes

Here are examples of this cross stitch pattern as stitched by customers. Click any picture for a closer look.

There are also many more pictures posted in our Facebook group. (You don't need a Facebook account to look.)
Madonna and Child - Marianne Stokes
Stitched by Kristi Seamans, Lexington, Kentucky

October 13, 2016 “I just wanted to send a quick thank you to your website for your wonderful patterns. Almost 1 1/2 years ago I finished my labor-of-love project, Marianne Stokes' Madonna & Child. It took me 11 months working on it every free moment I had, but I absolutely loved how it turned out. Unfortunately the pictures don't do the project justice. Please keep turning out such wonderful patterns.”

Stitched by Carol Tutt, Texas on 14-count ivory aida

October 30, 2011 “The Madonna and Child that I stitched for a dear childhood friend was recently completed. She has had it framed and it now hangs majestically in the entryway of her home. I used 14 ct aida and worked on the project for about 18 months. I am now working on my next big project -- The Star of Bethlehem. The scope of the project is a little overwhelming at this point, but I tell myself you get there one stitch at a time. This is my third Scarlet Quince project -- my first was Jacob and Rachel, the Madonna and Child my second. Thanks for the wonderful service and products you provide.”

More pictures by Carol

Stitched by Neil Cavill, Northumberland, England on 18-count

October 3, 2010

Stitched by Nancy Fritsche, Monroe, Louisiana on 18-count

December 28, 2009 “I am finally able to send the finished product to you. I absolutely love your products. Leaving off the background was not difficult. Just had to make an adjustment for the halo on each figure. I am donating the Madonna to the chapel at the high school where I spent 35 years teaching and from which both of my sons graduated.”


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