Here are examples of this cross stitch pattern as stitched by customers. Click any picture for a closer look.
There are also many more pictures posted in our Facebook group. (You don't need a Facebook account to look.)
Stitched by Pat Sutcliffe
May 20, 2021 “New project started in January ‘Earth from Space’ First time I’ve done anything on black Aida. Nightmare until I got a new lamp.”
Stitched by Harriet Hart
March 14, 2020 “This was my first Scarlet Quince project. I learned a very important lesson. NEVER cross-stitch after taking cold medicine. Even daytime cold meds!”
Stitched by Sue Schafer, Denton, Texas on 18-count black aida
January 4, 2017 “This is the most challenging work I have completed so far. It took me 8 months to complete. Family and friends thought it was a photograph - the best compliment ever. Thank you for having this pattern.”
More pictures by Sue
Stitched by Elizabeth McLoughlin on 32-count black Belfast linen
March 25, 2011 “Here is the finished Earth from Space cross-stitch before framing. It was a challenge, working on black fabric, but with good light and a magnifying glass, it was manageable. I loved working on this image of our planet from afar, thinking how beautiful and unified it was. Would that we humans could hold this perspective in our national policies, as well as our personal ones. Thanks again for these wonderful patterns.”
More pictures by Elizabeth