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Bouquet of Flowers with a Bird's Nest - Cornelis Van Spaendonck |
Here are examples of this cross stitch pattern as stitched by customers. Click any picture for a closer look.
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Bouquet of Flowers with a Bird's Nest - Cornelis Van Spaendonck | |
Stitched by Janet O'Connor
October 14, 2019 “Finished Bouquet of Flowers with a Bird's Nest by Cornelis Van Spaendonck. Loved every minute of stitching!“
Stitched by Connie Guenther, Coos Bay, Oregon
January 24, 2015 “Here's my latest project, framed but not hanging on the wall yet. It was a joy to work on it. It took one year and 1/2 to do it. I am starting to look for my next one.”
More pictures by Connie