Cross Stitch Patterns from Fine Art by Scarlet Quince
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Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte - Georges Seurat

Counted Cross Stitch Pattern

Parisians enjoying a sunny Sunday in a park on an island in the Seine. Ladies with parasols are strolling with top-hatted gentlemen, families are sitting on blankets on the grass, children and dogs are running about. The river is filled with small sailboats and sculls. The pointillist style involves mixing tiny dots of different colors which are blended by the eye; Seurat believed that this would make the colors more brilliant and vibrant than standard brush strokes. (Post-Impressionist, c. 1885)
Counted cross stitch chart booklet (floss and fabric not included -- see what is included)
396 x 266 stitches  ■  130 colors (DMC floss)  ■  About 22" x 15" or 56 x 38 cm (on 18-count)

Scarlet Quince cross stitch chart: Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte - Georges Seurat
Watermarks are not part of the pattern or stitched results

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Seurat cross stitch Impressionist art
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