Cross Stitch Patterns from Fine Art by Scarlet Quince
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Christmas Animals - Molly Brett

Counted Cross Stitch Pattern

Several animals walking home through the snow at twilight with their Christmas decorations. A hedgehog is carrying a branch of mistletoe, a robin has a Christmas rose in its beak, two mice are dragging a branch of holly, and a rabbit lighting their way with a lantern is carrying another holly branch.
Counted cross stitch chart booklet (floss and fabric not included -- see what is included)
333 x 422 stitches  ■  129 colors (DMC floss)  ■  About 19" x 23" or 47 x 60 cm (on 18-count)

Scarlet Quince cross stitch chart: Christmas Animals - Molly Brett
Watermarks are not part of the pattern or stitched results

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