Cross Stitch Patterns from Fine Art by Scarlet Quince
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Cross Stitch Patterns
Cross Stitch Patterns

Cross Stitch Patterns

All Subjects Flowers and Gardens Botanical Prints

Cross stitch chart: Echinocereus polyacanthus - Margaret Armstrong
Echinocereus polyacanthus
Margaret Armstrong
Cross stitch chart: Iris - Albrecht Durer
Albrecht Durer
Cross stitch chart: Sunflower Seen from the Back - Daniel Froeschl
Sunflower Seen from the Back
Daniel Froeschl
Cross stitch chart: Sunflower - Daniel Froeschl
Daniel Froeschl
Cross stitch chart: Orchids - Ernst Haeckel
Ernst Haeckel
Cross stitch chart: Ipomoea - John La Farge
John La Farge
Cross stitch chart: Fritillaria - Charles Rennie Mackintosh
Charles Rennie Mackintosh
Cross stitch chart: Rosa centifolia Anglica rubra - Pierre-Joseph Redoute
Rosa centifolia Anglica rubra
Pierre-Joseph Redoute
Cross stitch chart: Rosa Eglanteria var punicea - Pierre-Joseph Redoute
Rosa Eglanteria var punicea
Pierre-Joseph Redoute
Cross stitch chart: Gentiana acaulis - Pierre-Joseph Redoute
Gentiana acaulis
Pierre-Joseph Redoute
Cross stitch chart: Tulipa Gesneriana - Pierre-Joseph Redoute
Tulipa Gesneriana
Pierre-Joseph Redoute
Cross stitch chart: Rosa eglanteria - Pierre-Joseph Redoute
Rosa eglanteria
Pierre-Joseph Redoute


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