Cross Stitch Patterns from Fine Art by Scarlet Quince
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Charles M. Russell
The Bucker
A cowboy wearing chaps, boots, a six-gun on his belt, and a red bandanna riding an angry bucking bronco. He is too busy holding the reins and his upraised quirt to catch his hat which is flying off. (1904)
The Scout
A Plains Indian scout seated on his pinto horse on the prairie at dawn. A glorious sunrise and ridge of purple mountains are behind him. He has a rifle in one hand as he gazes into the distance. He wears a bearclaw necklace, a hide shield decorated with eagle feathers, leather leggings, and a fancy red blanket. (1907)
Indian Head
A portrait of an Indian brave, with gold rings in his ears and feathers in his hair which is long and worn loose.. He is wrapped in a striped blanket. Russell painted this in collaboration with two other artists, Edgar S. Paxson and Charles Schatzlein. (1904)
The Herd Quitter
Three cowboys on horseback gallop after a steer that is trying to escape from the herd. All are swinging their lassos and one is about to land his around the steer's horns. The scene is scrubby desert with a twilight sky, and the main herd and other cowboys are far behind the three. (1897)
Rachel Ruysch
Roses, Marigolds, Hyacinths, and Other Flowers on a Marble Ledge
An arrangement of pink roses, blue hyacinths, marigolds, honeysuckle, and other flowers sitting on a marble ledge
Emma Sandys
Elaine in blue and gold, thinking sadly of her unrequited love for Lancelot
Frederick Sandys
An angry and despairing Medea mixes a poison compounded from toads, bats, nightshade, and blood, with the Argo and the golden fleece in the background
John Singer Sargent
Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose
Two little girls wearing matching white ruffled dresses and black stockings standing in a flower bed at twilight lighting Japanese paper lanterns with long spills. The candles' warm glow lights their faces. They are standing up to their knees in carnations with pink roses all around, and white oriental lilies towering over them. (1885-6)
Spanish Fountain
A watercolor of a stone fountain standing in a wide basin of water. Water pours from a woman's head on the upper part of the fountain, and cherubs lounge around the base. The rippling water in the basin catches the light, and a hint of blue and white tile is seen at the base of the reddish wall in the background. (c. 1902)
White Ships
Sailing ships at anchor
Elizabeth Winthrop Chanler
A portrait of a young woman in a black satin gown with big puffed sleeves
Madame X
A portrait of a woman in a simple black evening gown
Lady Agnew of Lochnaw
A portrait of a young woman seated in a flowered armchair. She is dressed in a sheer pale lavender gown with a lilac sash. Her legs are crossed, and she gazes directly out of the canvas. This portrait made Singer's reputation, and established Lady Agnew as a society beauty. (1892)
The Grand Canal, Venice
A watercolor sketch of the grand canal in Venice. Small ripples in the water reflect back the light from a milky blue sky. Stone buildings line the canal and a gondola is being poled along, while others are moored at the edges of the canal. (1902-4)
The Virgin in Prayer
A very gentle and sweet-faced Virgin Mary at prayer wearing red and blue against a plain black background. The background is not stitched; use black fabric. See SAS001-W for a version to be stitched on white fabric. (1640-50)
The Virgin in Prayer (white background)
A very gentle and sweet-faced Virgin Mary at prayer wearing red and blue against a plain white background. The background is not stitched; use white fabric. The original painting has a black background; see SAS001 for a version to be stitched on black fabric. (1640-50)
Mead Schaeffer
He Raised a Gull-Like Cry in the Air
An illustration for "Moby Dick" showing Captain Ahab and a sailor standing on the sailing top spying for whales while seagulls swirl around them with a pale sun struggling through the blue sea mist.
...While but two thirds of the way aloft, and while peering ahead through the horizontal vacancy between the main-top-sail and top-gallant-sail, he raised a gull-like cry in the air, "There she blows!--there she blows! A hump like a snow-hill! It is Moby Dick!" -- Herman Melville
(Golden Age of Illustration, 1922)
Guillaume Seignac
A virginal bride on her wedding day. She is seated on a gilded chair, dressed in a chemise, and she has a band with orange blossoms on it in her reddish hair. She is holding her satin bridal gown and lace veil on her lap, and a sprig of orange blossoms, and gazing pensively over her shoulder. The background is a delicately patterned lavender wallpaper. (Academic, 1900)
Georges Seurat
Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte
Parisians enjoying a sunny Sunday in a park on an island in the Seine. Ladies with parasols are strolling with top-hatted gentlemen, families are sitting on blankets on the grass, children and dogs are running about. The river is filled with small sailboats and sculls. The pointillist style involves mixing tiny dots of different colors which are blended by the eye; Seurat believed that this would make the colors more brilliant and vibrant than standard brush strokes. (Post-Impressionist, c. 1885)
Entrance of the Port at Honfleur
A view of a port entrance. Many small sailing boats and one steam ship are entering the port, while a larger sailing boat is already moored. In the foreground is a dock with a mooring post. The green water reflects a lighthouse and port buildings, and a hazy blue sky is overhead. The pointillist style involves mixing tiny dots of different colors which are blended by the eye; Seurat believed that this would make the colors more brilliant and vibrant than standard brush strokes. This is the full painting; we also offer a view showing more detail in the dots SEU002-D. (Post-Impressionist, 1886)
Entrance of the Port at Honfleur (detail)
Several small sailing boats and a buoy on a green sea with a hazy blue sky overhead. The pointillist style involves mixing tiny dots of different colors which are blended by the eye; Seurat believed that this would make the colors more brilliant and vibrant than standard brush strokes. This is a small portion of the full painting to show more detail in the dots. We also offer the full painting SEU002. (Post-Impressionist, 1886)
Ohara Shoson
Heron in the Snow
An egret perching on a branch in a snow-covered tree on a snowy night. The egret's feathers are delicately suggested. The background is not stitched, and this pattern is designed for black fabric. (Mid 1930s)
Birds and Snowy Berry Branches
Two sparrows on snow next to bushes with dark green leaves and red berries
Paul Signac
The Red Buoy
A red buoy floating in the harbor at St. Tropez, at that time still a small fishing port. Sunlight glints off the gently rippling water which reflects the sailboats anchored there and the orange buildings facing the waterfront. A crystal-clear blue sky is overhead. (Pointillist, 1895)
John Sloan
The City from Greenwich Village
A view from the roof of the artist's Washington Place studio, looking south over lower Sixth Avenue on a winter evening. The distant lights of the great office buildings downtown are seen in the gathering darkness. An elevated train snakes between the buildings and street lights illuminate cars and pedestrians. The triangular building is the Flatiron Building. The tallest building in the distance is the Woolworth building. (Ash Can School, 1922)

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