Cross Stitch Patterns from Fine Art by Scarlet Quince
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Cross Stitch Patterns

Cross Stitch Patterns



Cross stitch chart: Hummingbird and Two Types of Orchids - Martin Johnson Heade
Hummingbird and Two Types of Orchids
Martin Johnson Heade
Cross stitch chart: Watering the Garden - Ralph Hedley
Watering the Garden
Ralph Hedley
Cross stitch chart: Riders at Sunset - Ernest Martin Hennings
Riders at Sunset
Ernest Martin Hennings
Cross stitch chart: Patience Serious - Robert Henri
Patience Serious
Robert Henri
Cross stitch chart: Peaceable Kingdom (detail) - Edward Hicks
Peaceable Kingdom (detail)
Edward Hicks
Cross stitch chart: Noah's Ark - Edward Hicks
Noah's Ark
Edward Hicks
Cross stitch chart: The Cornell Farm - Edward Hicks
The Cornell Farm
Edward Hicks
Cross stitch chart: Mountain Forms #2 - Victor Higgins
Mountain Forms #2
Victor Higgins
Cross stitch chart: Cat in Window - Ando Hiroshige
Cat in Window
Ando Hiroshige
Cross stitch chart: Iris Garden at Horikiri - Ando Hiroshige
Iris Garden at Horikiri
Ando Hiroshige
Cross stitch chart: Red Squirrel - Hans Hoffmann
Red Squirrel
Hans Hoffmann
Cross stitch chart: Figure of Christ - Heinrich Hofmann
Figure of Christ
Heinrich Hofmann


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