Cross Stitch Patterns from Fine Art by Scarlet Quince
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Cross Stitch Patterns

Cross Stitch Patterns



Cross stitch chart: Queen Guinevere's Maying - John Collier
Queen Guinevere's Maying
John Collier
Cross stitch chart: Lady Godiva - John Collier
Lady Godiva
John Collier
Cross stitch chart: Stonehenge - John Constable
John Constable
Cross stitch chart: Salisbury Cathedral from the Bishop's Grounds - John Constable
Salisbury Cathedral from the Bishop's Grounds
John Constable
Cross stitch chart: The Hay Wain - John Constable
The Hay Wain
John Constable
Cross stitch chart: The Storm - Pierre-Auguste Cot
The Storm
Pierre-Auguste Cot
Cross stitch chart: Elk-Foot of the Taos Tribe - Eanger Irving Couse
Elk-Foot of the Taos Tribe
Eanger Irving Couse
Cross stitch chart: Lancelot Slays the Caitiff Knight Sir Tarquin - Frank Cadogan Cowper
Lancelot Slays the Caitiff Knight Sir Tarquin
Frank Cadogan Cowper
Cross stitch chart: Mariana in the South - Frank Cadogan Cowper
Mariana in the South
Frank Cadogan Cowper
Cross stitch chart: The Horses of Neptune - Walter Crane
The Horses of Neptune
Walter Crane
Cross stitch chart: The Moat and Bishop's Palace, Wells Cathedral - Walter Crane
The Moat and Bishop's Palace, Wells Cathedral
Walter Crane
Cross stitch chart: Masque of the Four Seasons - Walter Crane
Masque of the Four Seasons
Walter Crane


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