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Cross Stitch Patterns from Fine Art by Scarlet Quince
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Ansel Adams
In Glacier National Park (leaves)
A black-and-white closeup photo of cedar and maple leaves. Adams was employed by the government to photograph the national parks for a government mural project, but the project was interrupted by the onset of World War II and the murals were never made. (1941)
Church, Taos Pueblo, New Mexico
A primitive southwestern adobe church and its courtyard viewed through a doorway in its enclosing wall. Simple wooden crosses top the peaks of the wall and church. (1942)
The Tetons -- Snake River
The Snake River, gleaming the the foreground, winding its way before the snow-covered Grand Teton Mountains in Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming. Dark moody clouds are moving in on the right side of the picture. (1942)
White House Ruin, Canyon de Chelly National Monument, Arizona
The ruins of an Anasazi cliff dwelling in a cave in the face of a massive striated and striped cliff. (1942)
Navaho Girl, Canyon de Chelly, Arizona
A young Navaho girl standing in the doorway of her home in Canyon de Chelly, Arizona. She is wearing a plaid cotton skirt, a velvet blouse, and a squash-blossom necklace, and smiles shyly at the camera. (1942)
Dance, San Ildefonso Pueblo, New Mexico
Native Americans of the San Ildefonso Pueblo descending the steps of an adobe house on their way to a ritual dance. They are wearing fringed leggings and carrying large drums. A little girl wearing everyday clothes sits partway down the steps. (1942)
Sophie Gengembre Anderson
Take the Fair Face of Woman
A fairy in a gossamer gown with iridescent wings and curling blond hair, crowned with butterflies and holding a jeweled pouch.
Take the Fair Face of Woman,
and Gently Suspending,
With Butterflies, Flowers, and Jewels Attending,
Thus Your Fairy is Made
of Most Beautiful Things. - Charles Ede.
See AND001-L for a larger version (more stitches, more detail) of this pattern, or compare them side by side. (Pre-Raphaelite, 1869)
Take the Fair Face of Woman (larger)
A fairy in a gossamer gown with iridescent wings and curling blond hair, crowned with butterflies and holding a jeweled pouch.
Take the Fair Face of Woman,
and Gently Suspending,
With Butterflies, Flowers, and Jewels Attending,
Thus Your Fairy is Made
of Most Beautiful Things. - Charles Ede.
See AND001 for a smaller version (fewer stitches, slightly less detail) of this pattern, or compare them side by side. (Pre-Raphaelite, 1869)
Giuseppe Arcimboldo
A Renaissance "man" composed entirely from spring flowers and leaves. Though he appears realistic at a glance, his coat is made of lettuce, violet leaves, and other greens; his ruff is made of white flowers; his cheeks are roses; his lips are cherries, and so on. He is one of four seasons. We also offer Summer, Autumn, and Winter in compatible sizes. (1573)
A Renaissance "man" composed entirely from summer fruits, vegetables, wheat, and leaves. Though he is somewhat realistic at a glance, his coat is made of wheat, his nose is a cucumber, his cheek is a peach, his hat includes melons, eggplant an ear of corn, cherries, raspberries, figs, onions, and their associated leaves, and his teeth are peas in a pod. He is one of four seasons: we also offer Spring, Autumn, and Winter in compatible sizes. (1573)
A Renaissance "man" composed entirely from autumn fruits, vegetables, grains, and leaves. Though he seems realistic at a glance, his coat is made of barrel staves, his nose is a potato, his chin is a pomegranite, his mustache is a chestnut burr, his hair is bunches of grapes, his hat is a pumpkin, his beard is millet, his ear is a mushroom, and so on. He is one of four seasons: we also offer Spring, Summer, and Winter in compatible sizes. (1573)
A Renaissance "man" composed entirely of winter plants. Though he seems fairly realistic at a glance, his head and neck are a gnarled and broken tree, with broken branches forming his ear and nose. The old man's coat is made from woven straw, a pair of lemons with their leaves make his cravat, his lips are bracket fungus, and the bare branches of the tree and ivy represent his balding head. He is one of four seasons: we also offer Spring, Summer, and Autumn in compatible sizes. (1573)
The Librarian
A "man" made from books and items from the book culture of the times. His cape is a library curtain (used to partition study rooms and protect books from light and dust), his spectacles are book-chest keys, his beard is made of animal tail dusters, and his fingers, grasping the books acquisitively, are bookmarks. The painting mocks those who acquire books for the sake of ownership rather than reading, and is thought to particularly lampoon Wolfgang Lazius, the Hapsburgs' historiographer, who was reputed to steal books when he couldn't get them another way. (about 1562)
Margaret Armstrong
Echinocereus polyacanthus
A botanical print of a barrel "hedgehog" cactus with red flowers from a guide to wildflowers. The background is not stitched, and the pattern is designed for white fabric. (1915)
John James Audubon
Columbian Hummingbird
Columbian hummingbirds (now known as Anna's hummingbirds) with pink hibiscus. Designed to show the behavior as well as the appearance of the birds, the print shows the hummingbirds gathering nectar from the flowers, flying, perching, and a female sitting on its nest. The background is not stitched, and the pattern is designed for white fabric. See AUD002-D for a chart of a portion of this painting. (c. 1830)
Columbian Hummingbird (detail)
A Columbian hummingbird (now known as Anna's hummingbirds) with a pink hibiscus flower and a few leaves, buds, and part of a stem. This is a detail from the full painting, which we also offer. The background is not stitched, and the pattern is designed for white fabric. (c. 1830)
Brown Pelican
A brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis) in breeding plumage perching on a lichen-encrusted red mangrove branch. The state bird of Louisiana, the brown pelican can be found throughout southern and western coastal areas. The background is not stitched, and the pattern is designed for white fabric. (about 1830)
White-Headed Eagle
A bald eagle perched on a rock, his talons gripping a catfish, against a vague stormy background. The white area around the design is not stitched, and the pattern is designed for white fabric. (1828)
Snowy Owl
A pair of snowy owls perched on a burned snag. All the details of their feathers are shown, including their plumed feet. Behind them is a dark blue cloud with a couple of openings that admit some moonlight. (1831)
Black-Crowned Night Heron
A pair of black-crowned night herons at the water's edge in a grassy marsh. The beplumed male is about to snap up a small frog, while the female stands on one leg in a likely nesting spot. This piece is solidly stitched. (1835)
Cardinal Grosbeak
A pair of cardinal grosbeaks (usually now known as northern cardinals) on the branches of a wild almond tree. The male is bright red and the duller-colored female has reddish accents. The background is not stitched, and the pattern is designed for white fabric. We also offer the male and female separately. (c. 1830)
Cardinal Grosbeak (male)
A bright red male cardinal grosbeak (usually now known as northern cardinal) on the branches of a wild almond tree. The background is not stitched, and the pattern is designed for white fabric. This is a detail of the original print, which includes both birds (available as AUD015). (c. 1830)
Cardinal Grosbeak (female)
A greenish-red female cardinal grosbeak (usually now known as northern cardinal) on a branch of a wild almond tree. The background is not stitched, and the pattern is designed for white fabric. This is a detail of the original print, which includes both birds (available as AUD015). (c. 1830)
Blue Jay
Three blue jays perched on a dead branch with a trumpet vine growing on it. The top and lower left birds are female; the lower right bird is a male.The background is not stitched, and the pattern is designed for white fabric. (c. 1830)
Roseate Spoonbill
A brightly colored roseate spoonbill about to wade into a shallow marsh. It is standing on a tussock backed by marsh grass, and in the background is a scene of water, small islands, trees, and a cloudy sky. (c. 1830)

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