Cross Stitch Patterns from Fine Art by Scarlet Quince
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Scarlet Quince Ramblings

Cross stitch ... art ... life

Miracle Cure
Wednesday, April 29th, 2009

The oak pollen has been very, very bad lately.  I’m forced to interact with it to some extent — the catkins land in great piles and if they aren’t swept up you just track it into the house, plus it stains everything yellow-green.  I swept one day wearing a mask but forgot about my eyes — big mistake.  I need a hazmat suit.

The pollen got so bad last week that I thought I had caught a cold — sneezing, coughing, itchy/watery eyes, tired to death, and all the rest of it.   We’ve had some rain which should have knocked the pollen down but didn’t, because — duh — it didn’t rain indoors.   The rain has made it cool and humid, and for exactly this situation we got a room dehumidifier a couple of years ago (when you want it less humid but don’t want to turn the AC on at the temperature that would be required to get it to run).   So I turned it on a couple of days ago, went to bed, and in the morning I was WELL.  Seriously.  I feel SO GOOD, it’s ridiculous, it’s miraculous.  I guess the pollen is caught by the water vapor in the air and the dehumidifier just pulls it out of the air along with the water.  Me and my dehumidifier.  We’re buds from now on.

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