Cross Stitch Patterns from Fine Art by Scarlet Quince
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Scarlet Quince Ramblings

Cross stitch ... life ... art

J through R
August 15th, 2009

I see I haven’t posted any of the redwork alphabet in over 8 months! Let’s get down to it.
J took 38 days (there was time out for the Hardanger cube in there. This was the first letter with red top-stitching, but it doesn’t amount to much. I don’t really care for J.

K took 20 days. All those little chicken scratches were very finicky to do, and it was hard finding good paths through. It’s also hard to anchor the floss under it. I had to try to start and finish at cross stitching. I like the effect though.

L took 16 days and I’m neutral about it. It’s OK.  

I’ve been taking notes on the pattern pages, and I’ve lost M so I don’t know how long it took.  I’m sure it was awhile, with such a big stitched area.  I am fairly fed up with the grapevine motif.  This is the last of it though. This is another letter that doesn’t match the picture on the chart cover.

N was a headache.  Unlike all the other letters, it is 100 stitches wide but only 98 high.  This REALLY doesn’t work for my grid of letters.  Fortunately I was able to extend the pattern and it is actually more symmetric than if I had stitched it as charted (that last double line at the bottom of the legs of the N was charted as a single line). 

O is just weird.  Those are EYES.  What’s up with that?  Is this some kind of French pun?  I think the word for “eyes” is “yeux” which I pronounce “yose” (rhymes with hose) but maybe the y is supposed to be silent, and it’s really “ohs” (but what are the chances they call the letter o “oh”?) On the other hand, what else would you call it? Did I mention I don’t know French? These each took about 20 days.

I was looking forward to P because I liked the design and because of the red top-stitching.  What was I thinking?  This was the hardest letter so far.  There are a lot of weird jumps like over 5 and up 2 and I had to keep drawing boxes on the chart to figure out what they were.  And I made so many mistakes!  One line I stitched over and over and it just wasn’t ending in the right place.  I counted and checked and couldn’t find any mistakes, ripped it out, and the same thing happened.  I think I stitched it 5 times before I got it right.  But it’s pretty, and so is Q.  P took 33 days, Q 25.  (I’m not getting as much time to stitch as I used to.  I’m only averaging about an hour a night at this point.)

R took almost a month, and no wonder.  I like it though — it reminds me of filet crochet (which I can’t do).  I’m currently about half-way through S which is another mostly solid letter.  There’s a little too much of that if you ask me, although in a way they’re easier than the ones with more blank spaces (less counting).

Sorry all these photos are so whopperjawed but as you know, photographing needlework is tricky!

2 Responses to “J through R”
  1. From Rifestitch
    14 years, 11 months ago

    Wow, these look really great!!! I wondered where you were with this – glad to see you’ve been moving right along! Really love the K, but I can see how that background could become tedious, quick! If I had to pick a favorite of these, it would be M, followed closely by Q :) But now we need an overall shot!!

  2. From Alanna
    14 years, 10 months ago

    This just looks so fantastic, I absolutely love this pattern, although you still seem to be really not enjoying it!! Every letter seems a trial for you, I know that I would have difficulty stitching something I disliked as much. Still, you’re almost finished, and it will look wonderful when it’s done! Personally, I love J, and my favourites would have to be P and Q.
    Oh, and about the eyes in O, French “yeux” is pronounced like the ‘yea’ in ‘yearning’ and is usually preceded by “les” pronounced ‘lay’, which run together gives you ‘layz yea’. And the letter O is pronounced ‘oh’, so no I have no idea why they decided to use eyes for the letter O, unless they were thinking of one eye, which is “oeil”, pronounced ‘ehyh’.
    Good luck with finishing it and send us more photos when you’re done!

    I don’t actually DISlike working on this — it’s just that the single color and large solid areas are kind of tedious. I do sound grumpy about it, though, don’t I? But I think I will love it when I have it hanging up! My sampler, now, I REALLY don’t like working on it, and I won’t like it when it’s finished (partly I don’t like the colors and my work 20+ years ago is sloppier than I would like).

    Thanks for your help with the French — alas, the eyes are still a mystery.

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